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Every day, our kids are bombarded with questions: Did God really create everything? Why do bad things happen? Was Noah’s ark real? Why do I need to be saved? Can I trust the Bible? At this VBS, your kids will explore the biblical answers to these questions as they set off on an epic adventure from Genesis to Revelation. Amid sloths, butterflies, river dolphins, and dart frogs, your children will sail along on a fun jungle cruise, stopping at seven ports of call. These ports are the 7 C’s of History: Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, Confusion, Christ, Cross, and Consummation. Kids will discover how these events shape our world, and they will learn to reconnect the Bible to their everyday life.

Prepare to swing into fun as we head out on The Great Jungle Journey!

It's a Jungle
out there!

Registration is easy, hit the button below or hit the picture to the left and you'll be able to register your child, or children, for VBS at Living Word Church!

Are you wanting to volunteer for VBS? Sign up here!

"All honor and glory to God forever and ever! He is the eternal King, the unseen one who never dies; he alone is God. Amen."

1 TIMOTHY 1:17

Frequently Asked Questions About VBS

What is VBS?

VBS, also known as Vacation Bible School, is a 5 day experience specifically made to teach your children about the Gospel and how God loves us.

Is there a fee for VBS?

Nope! VBS is completely free.

When is VBS?

VBS will take place at Living Word Church at 5151 Rowan Road in New Port Richey and will run from Monday, June 10th to Friday June 14th.

What time is VBS?

VBS starts at 6:15pm and ends around 8:45pm. Be sure you get to the church at least 20 minutes before the start to be sure you get checked in.

Is there anything that the kids need to bring to VBS?

Nope! All your kid needs to bring is a readiness for adventure!

What should my child wear?

Casual attire is best (shorts, t-shirts) with close-toes shoes (no flip flops, please; tennis shoes preferred). We will be having crafts and sometimes crafts can get a little messy, so wear something that you don’t mind getting a little dirty.

What ages are eligible to come to VBS?

Children from Kindergarten to 5th grade are eligible to participate in VBS!

How do I register my children for VBS?

Registration is really easy! All you need to do is hit this link to register!

Do I need to be a member of Living Word Church for my kid to attend?

Nope, VBS is for any and all children from kindergarten through 5th grade.

Will there be anything for my children to eat?

Yes! We will be providing what we're calling "Jungle Snacks" for your children for no cost. It won't be a full meal, but it will be something they'll enjoy!

How can I volunteer?

We're thankful that you want to serve at VBS! All you have to do it hit this link 

and sign up!

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